Case Studies Easterseals Central Illinois

Easterseals Central Illinois

DataMotion utilizes DataMotion secure mailbox and secure contact me to integrate seamlessly into Easterseals Central Illinois’ existing email platform to secure health information exchanges and meet PHI regulations.

Email Encryption
Secure Message Center
Kid Picture


Easterseals Central Illinois is a non profit that works to ensure that children with autism, developmental delays and disabilities can reach their full potential. They provide patient care to over 6,000 families a year and the need for services is growing at a rapid pace. A small IT team consisting of three employees within Easterseals Central Illinois is contracted to provide services to two state run Child and Family Connections (CFC) offices while supporting 160 people in over 100 rural locations across Illinois.


They employ Microsoft Exchange across three main sites connected via VPNs. For partnerships with CFCs, they rely on Office 365, SharePoint, and a State of Illinois program for paperwork. These collaborations support an early intervention program, identifying disabilities in families and referring them to Easterseals Central Illinois for care coordination and services.



  • Small IT team supporting large customer base in over 100 locations
  • Frequent exchange of PHI & healthcare data between patients and providers
  • Time-consuming and expensive health information exchange
  • Enhance patient experience and improve quality of care

Easterseals Central Illinois needed a way to simplify the process of securely exchanging PHI between CFC’s, patients, providers, and physicians. Their current process was timely, inefficient, and expensive.


Without secure email or messaging channels, communication relied on in-person, manual, or fax methods. Emails to families omitted healthcare details, and faxing sensitive patient data was common. Rural employees without home fax machines faced inconvenience, often sending information from distant centralized offices.


The company’s biggest driver to make a change was on the customer side. To quickly address the problem, Easterseals Central Illinois needed a solution that was easy to implement, easy to use for a diverse staff of technical and non-technical employees, and integrated seamlessly with Microsoft Outlook and SharePoint.

The Solution

DataMotion Secure Mailbox & Contact

Easterseals Central Illinois chose the secure mailbox because of its ability to integrate with Outlook and SharePoint, its easy implementation process, and the secure contact me feature, which allows normal email recipients to initiate a secure, unencrypted email message.

It took less than one day to set up the secure mailbox Outlook plug-in for the end users and to fully implement the new solution.

Easy-to-use service

DataMotion’s secure mailbox is an easy-to-use service providing end-to-end security. It encrypts selected email messages using the “Send Secure” Outlook button. Leveraging Office 365 content filtering, messages and files can be sent securely with just one click.

Secure Communication Features

The sender receives confirmation when the message arrives safely and when it is opened. An included secure contact me signature line link facilitates easy recipient replies via their own email address with an encrypted message or file.


  • Ensures the company is meeting security and privacy compliance regulations
  • Employees can now send a secure email from any computer by simply logging in to their Outlook account
  • Families can easily send a secure response using the secure contact me signature link
  • The time it takes for families to complete their introductory work now takes days rather than months
  • Enables secure exchange between the patient and provider
  • Employee and patient experience is simplified and enhanced
  • Overall quality of care is improved
Data graphics and buildings

“Before using the secure mailbox, we were unaware of how much PHI was being sent out insecurely. After implementing the service, this was a surprising number to find out. With DataMotion having the secure mailbox button, it makes you think every time you send an email if the information needs to be secured,” 

Brandon Vissering, Director of IT with Easterseals Central Illinois.

“We have engaged DataMotion at my company for data transfers. The platform's file transfer solution enables us to securely transfer files between different sites, ensuring that sensitive information is not compromised during the transfer process. It also offers us a robust and secure messaging solutions that allow team members and clients to collaborate in a secure manner.”

Empty Headshot
Sarah Williams
Software Engineer Information Technology & Services

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