Blog Advancing Health Equity: The Civitas Networks for Health and DirectTrust Conference

Advancing Health Equity: The Civitas Networks for Health and DirectTrust Conference

Advancing Health Equity: The Civitas Networks for Health and DirectTrust Conference

Female medicine doctor working on table with consulting patient

San Antonio, here I come!

DataMotion will be at The Civitas Networks for Health 2022 Annual Conference, a Collaboration with the DirectTrust Summit, in San Antonio, August 21-24. This year’s theme is “Better Together: Health Data Collaboratives and Information Exchange to Advance Health Equity.” DataMotion has been a long-time member of DirectTrust™ and a leading Health Information Service Provider (HISP), and this is my first time attending this show— I couldn’t be more excited!

Data security is table stakes. There are a lot of moving pieces–making sure that clinical data transmission and the overall digital conversation are interoperable with all endpoints, and ensuring compliance requirements, and logging and tracking those transactions. The number one priority used to be transmitting information to the patient securely, which is now a normal occurrence. But is that process easy or efficient? Solutions were developed without considering the end user experience. Users want, and need an intuitive and frictionless experience—which is where DataMotion comes in. We’re excited about how we can leverage our data and learnings to improve health equity–the theme of one of the Monday’s opening sessions.

What is Health Equity?

According to the CDC, “health equity is achieved when every person has the opportunity to ‘attain his or her full health potential’” and no one is ‘disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of social position or other socially determined circumstances.’”

No one can attain their full health potential alone. We need all the help with can get. The digital experience is incredibly important in connecting patients and providers; in line with the conference theme, they are indeed “better together.” If this experience is difficult to navigate, then it won’t be embraced. Patients get better outcomes when everyone across the vertical is working in concert; therefore, I’m excited to learn how the industry as a whole, and in particular, payors and providers, plan to build on their interoperability.

HIEs, HINs, and Health Equity

Where do Health Information Exchange/Network organizations (HIEs/HINs) fit into advancing health equity? DataMotion has helped many HIEs/HINs gain interoperability by leveraging Direct Secure Messaging as a way to exchange clinical health information. This has included the secure and efficient transmission of transition of care documents to improve patient care and cost. We have worked with a number of payors and providers to improve the overall secure digital communication experience for patients and members. This has been done by empowering the payor, for example, to integrate a secure messaging interface behind a trusted login to prevent the member from having to create a new username and password, and then log in to a third-party portal. One topic I’m excited to discuss is how HIEs can leverage other digital capabilities to help providers deliver even better care and further improve their overall costs.

These thoughts I’ve just shared lead to more questions, especially about what health IT vendors are doing in this space. Are there any interesting or innovative solutions that they have tried, even if not successful? What changes have they seen since 2020? There seems to have been an AI/machine learning boom over the past few years, which begs the question of if vendors are leveraging that data to improve processes and in turn, patient outcomes.  And are they able to do this while still protecting the PHI/PII while in transit and at rest?

I have a ton of questions about so many types of healthcare IT solutions! And honestly, that’s what I’ve missed the most about not having a steady diet of conferences to attend – meeting new people and learning about new technologies.

Come See Us at Booth 53

For over 20 years, DataMotion has been helping to connect the healthcare ecosystem. Whether it be encrypted emailsecure document sharing, or Direct Secure Messaging, DataMotion’s trust-no-one design has played an integral part of how payors and providers securely interact with their patients and members. Fast forward to 2022 – 11 years after I started working with the talented folks at DataMotion – I’m excited to see where healthcare has grown, technologically. I would love to have this conversation with you at the conference, so come see the team at Booth 53!

Feel free to schedule some time beforehand to meet: /contact-us/””>Healthcare: A Digital Temperature Check from a First-Time HIMSS Attendee

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