Watercolor painting of medical equipment on a table in a hospital room, showcasing detailed apparatus with vibrant colors and artistic strokes
Insights / 5 min read

Future-Proofing Healthcare: The Role of a High-Capacity HISP in Data Exchange

In an era where patient information is both abundant and sensitive, the secure and efficient exchange of health data is no longer optional – it’s a necessity. With ongoing changes in government policies, healthcare organizations are under constant pressure to ensure compliance while seamlessly sharing data with multiple partners and public health agencies. This piece […]

AI-Powered. Human Backed.
Insights / 4 min read

AI-Powered. Human-Backed: The Right Way to Implement AI for Customer Service

Customer service is evolving rapidly. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the way businesses interact with customers, offering instant responses and round-the-clock availability. However, the human touch remains irreplaceable, especially in complex or sensitive situations. This is where the concept of “AI-Powered. Human-Backed.” comes into play, blending the efficiency of AI with the diverse expertise and […]

Insights / 4 min read

Bridging the Gap: How Email Encryption Fits into Secure Digital Platforms

As digital communication evolves, secure email has transitioned from simple encrypted email to integrated digital engagement platforms. These platforms now include secure chat, a full Secure Message Center, and Generative AI. The way we think about these solutions and leverage them is evolving rapidly. This blog explores this evolution, highlighting the necessity for solutions that […]

JenAI Assist Generative AI solution
Product Updates / 2 min read

Empowering Your Generative AI Journey: Introducing JenAI Assist Research Mode

In March of this year DataMotion launched JenAI Assist, we’re excited to announce we now offer a research mode, further enabling our customers and partners to embark on their Generative AI adventure using their existing content. Whether it’s internal documents, department files, or intranet resources, JenAI Assist is here to assist. By organizing data through tags, we ensure that the right information reaches the right user.

Retrieval Augmented Generation and Generative AI
Insights / 7 min read

What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation?

Generative AI systems like ChatGPT have revolutionized the way we interact with technology, thanks to their exceptional understanding of language and ability to produce useful responses. However, their effectiveness is limited to the data they have been trained on. That’s where Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) comes in, offering a solution for leveraging private and dynamic data to enhance AI responses. DataMotion’s JenAI Assist, powered by RAG, provides accurate and current information without compromising data privacy. Learn more about how RAG and JenAI Assist can transform customer service and enterprise applications by subscribing to the DataMotion Newsletter or requesting a demo today!

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